
I’m Libby Cutts, a professional gardener cultivating my inner writer as I do battle with brambles and adverbs in Derbyshire. I like fiction with flavour, non-fiction with chewy bits and mostly write the dark with a touch of the bittersweet. I’m lucky enough to be represented by the lovely Emily Glenister at the DHH Literary Agency.


At the head of my genre queue is crime, with horror and gothic lurking behind it. Fantasy and literary fiction peer over their shoulders desperate not to be forgotten. My non-fiction queue is full of historians, true crime, writers writing about writing and, now-and-again, popular science. I love poetry but don’t read it as often as I’d like.

I am currently editing ‘The Mere’, a murder mystery set in postwar East Anglia and outlining a Victorian gothic thriller.

The Mere

In 1948 Peter returns incognito to the lonely Suffolk village of his childhood to strip away the mysteries surrounding his mother’s disappearance 26 years ago. Esme wants to help but she is bound up in secrets and her own safety is at stake.

You can follow me or contact me on twitter @libbycutts

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